


American Legion Post 245 Vic Schiavone Memorial Scholarship Program


American Legion Post 245 has created an educational scholarship program for the spouses and children/grandchildren of Veterans. The Vic Schiavone Memorial Scholarship program is a tribute to a Veteran who was a real leader and long-time service office of Post 245.

The Vic Schiavone Memorial Scholarship Program complements resources already available to spouses and children of Veterans.

Eligible recipients will be children/grandchildren and spouses of Veterans. The scholarships will allow recipients to pay for programs such as four-year university degree programs, community college certification courses, and customized on-the-job training programs.


Information related to the Vic Schiavone Memorial Scholarship program includes:

Eligibility: Children/Grandchildren and spouses of Veterans residing in Kitsap County enrolled or having a letter of acceptance to an institution of higher learning, or vocational or technical school. Applicants shall have no record of felony arrest, prosecution, or deferment;


Scholarship objectives

The objective is to demonstrate our ongoing commitment to Veteran families

Scholarship Funds & Uses

Scholarships will be awarded in amounts up to $500. Award amounts are based on the anticipated needs of the individual, as well as the funds available.

Scholarship funds can be used to pay for education programs and vocational training. Recipients can use the money to learn new skills, upgrade current skill sets or pursue and complete a college degree.

Fund Interaction with other Benefits & Scholarships

The Vic Schiavone memorial Scholarship complements other grant/scholarship programs available.

Who can apply?

All children/grandchildren, current spouses and widows/widowers of Veteran.